Linggo, Disyembre 11, 2011

Computer System with Pure Steam

Dosing and Administration of drugs: for infants and young children First Pregnancy recommended dose may range from 0.5 to 4 g triglycerides / kg / day, corresponding to 2,5-20 ml / kg / day intralipidu 20% rate of infusion should not exceed triglycerides 0.17 g / kg / h (4 g / kg / day), premature infants and newborns with low weight, it will be intralipidu infusion continuously for days, the initial dose of 0,5-1 g triglycerides / kg / day can be gradually increased by 0,5-1 g / kg / day dose of 2 g / kg / day, only closely monitor the concentration of triglycerides in serum, liver tests and blood oxygen fanfold may further increase fanfold dose to 4 g / kg / day, not exceeding this level is allowed to compensate for missed doses previously, to prevent or correct deficiency of fatty acids entering intralipidu recommended in doses that fanfold revenues sufficient linoleic and linolenic Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome and 4-8% non-protein energy when stressed, in coupled with the lack of essential fatty acids can enter a larger dose intralipidu. Dosing and Administration of drugs: prescribed to children - in / to drip, depending on the degree of acidosis the drug is used undiluted or diluted, Mr 5% glucose at a ratio of 1:1; newborns injected i / v at a dose of 4.5 ml / kg children of other age groups - in a dose of 7.5 ml / kg fanfold weight. Dosing and Administration of drugs: children in / m enter the drug is not recommended because of the possibility of necrosis, children / v, depending on the age of 10 -% rn calcium gluconate administered in these doses - up to 6 months - 0,1-1 ml in 7 - 12 months - 1 - 1,5 ml. Dosing and Administration of drugs: digoxin administered in / in, injected slowly into 10 ml of 5% to Mr glucose or isotonic Mr sodium chloride, in the first days of treatment administered 1 - 2 g / day, in the following - 1 p / day for 4 Tincture 5 days, then transferred to taking per os fanfold doses of supporting, for drip administration of 1 - 2 ml of 0,025% to Mr dissolved in 100 ml of 5% to Mr glucose Lactate Dehydrogenase isotonic Mr sodium chloride (enter into / at a speed of 20 - 40 krap. Indications for use drugs: lack of function of parathyroid glands, increased output of calcium from the body, in allergic diseases and allergic complications of drug therapy to reduce vascular permeability Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder pathological processes of various origins, with parenchymatous hepatitis, toxic liver damage, nephritis, eclampsia, hyperkalaemia, with skin diseases, as styptic, as well as an antidote. Dosing and Administration of drugs: for a long drop to / Venous Clotting Time the introduction, mainly in the central vein and a maximum speed of input - up to 0.1 g amino acids kg / h, which equals 1 ml / kg / h; MDD in children under 1 year - 1,5 - 2,5 g amino acids per 1 kg body weight per day, or 15-25 ml of Mr infusion of 1 kg of body weight per day; applied until the continuing need for parenteral nutrition. Indications for use drugs: asthma, bradycardia, symptoms Morhanyi-Adams-Stokes, pulmonary hemorrhage, respiratory depression, asphyxiant poisoning substances, morphine, poisonous mushrooms, holinomimetychnymy substances Old Chart Not Available drugs, as antispasmodic during bowel radiological studies, prevention of arrhythmias caused by anesthesia fanfold . Dosing and Administration of drugs: drug in pediatrics can be applied to any age, including newborns, treatment should begin with low doses (1,5 - 3,5 mg / kg / min), gradually increasing it to achieve the desired effect; maintenance dose is usually 4 - 6 mg / kg / here MDD in some cases can reach 20 mg / kg / min., duration of treatment for adults and children depend on the circumstances in each case, the end of fanfold therapy should be withdrawn gradually, to beginning of treatment to restore circulating blood volume. Indications for use drugs: atrial fibrillation and flutter, paroxysmal nadshlunochkovi tahiarytmiyi, Mts congestive heart failure. Indications for use drugs: treatment of paroxysmal tachycardia supraventriculous; flutter / flickering fibrillation; in pediatric fanfold Mr injection, paroxysmal supraventricular used during tachycardia. Indications for use of drugs: fanfold immediate-type AR: anaphylactic shock, which developed in the use of drugs or serums or by contact with allergens, asthma, hypoglycemia Vincristine Adriblastine Dexamethasone to an overdose of fanfold hypokalemia, asystole, cardiac arrest, the extension of local anesthetics; AV-block III degree. Dosing and Administration of drugs: drug prescribed u / w, c / m, sometimes / in, with asystole in the infant - in / at 10-30 mg / kg every 3-5 minutes, slowly, children with anaphylactic shock p / w or / m - 10 fanfold / kg (maximum - fanfold to 0,3 mg), with the need for the repeated every 15 minutes (up to 3 times), children with bronchospasm - subcutaneously 10 mg / kg (maximum - to 0, 3 mg), with the need for the repeated every 15 minutes (up to 3-4 times) or every 4 hours.

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